Acute & Chronic Wound Management


Chronic Non-Healing Wounds


Proper wound healing is achieved when the wound is vascularized, clear of infection and moist, and free of dead or necrotic tissues.  The wound being vascularized means that the wound has reached a stage where it has sufficient blood flow to support the healing process.  This is an important step because without adequate blood supply, a wound cannot heal effectively, and there’s a risk of chronic non-healing wounds.  Adequate fluid intake, ensuring balanced diet and frequent dressing of wound, using Povidone Iodine solution and sterile instruments also promote wound healing.  Prescribed topical or oral antibiotics are also not ignored in wound management.



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Acute Wounds

Both acute and chronic wounds can require invasive, and non-invasive procedure.  Acute wounds generally heal within days to months, but less than 3 months.  Chronic wounds, such as diabetic wounds, can require complex techniques and prolonged period for wounds to heal.  Mahiri Homecare and Telehealth will cater for all your simple and non-invasive wound care needs.


Get in touch and let's assess your needs.


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