We assist clients with feeding via Nasogastric (NG) and Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrotomy (PEG) feeding tubes and provide tube care. We provide this care by ensuring patency of the tube, correct amount of feed is given, aseptic cleaning at the insertion site and changing of tube where necessary.  Mahiri HomeCare works with the client’s physician or surgeon as part of their holistic care plan.


Tube Management  - Urinary Catheter Care


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We provide urinary catheter management to avoid the client experiencing complications. Urinary catheters can easily result in infections and need care, this care is provided by cleaning the genital with antiseptics using aseptic technique.  We monitor for cloudy and bloody urine, pain at lower abdomen and odor of urine as these can indicate infection.  Urinary catheter management often forms part of the homecare services delivered to clients under our Live-in homecare service.


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