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Hon. Martin Dwamena

Martin Dwamena was a former Attorney General of Swaziland and ex-Officio Member of Parliment (1997-1999).  He was also one of the founding members and directors of Ghana Cocoa Marketing Company. 

Martin brings with him experience of initiating startups, including Ghana Cocoa Marketing Company, a startup that developed into one of the biggest corporations in Ghana.  His legal pratice experience and that of international negotiations and dealing in commodities and mangement at an international level also acts as a wealth of expierence for the board.  Amongst his many appointments and nominations, Martin was appointed by His Excellency, President Kuffour, the Former President of Ghana as a Member of the 9-Board of the Minerials Commission of Ghana.


Martin obtained his qualifications for legal practice in the UK, Australia, Ghana and Swaziland.  He is also a Certified Company Secretary and a member of the Middle Temple (UK).


Mahiri Telehealth Limited
UK Address: 3rd Floor, 86 - 90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE UK: 11707759
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