Dr Winful was the Municipal Director Of Health Services at the Municipal Health Services Directorate, Nsawam-Adoagyiri, Ghana.
Tamale Teaching Hospital Mobile Clinic JustGiving Campaign 2015
Nature of the problem: The Tamale Teaching Hospital Mobile Clinic programme is a regular outreach programme that provides medical screening and examination services for the communities in the Upper and Northern regions of Ghana.
For many, the visits by the doctors and nurses running this programme are the first opportunity to be examined by a medical professional. Diseases and ailments that might be detected and cured unfortunately progress to the point of being fatal because of the lack of early screening. Fatal disease outbreaks not identified early also spread. Early detection would lead to education and awareness programmes, immunisation and gathering of resources to combat fatal diseases before they spread.
Without external sponsorship to cater for the mobile clinics’ operational activities and running costs they remain stationary at Tamale hospital.
How will this project solve the problem?This JustGiving fund raising initiative is intended to be a concerted effort to raise funds to ensure that the Tamale Teaching Hospital Mobile Clinics have the funds to manage the operational requirements that will enable regular visits over the next six (6) months and thereafter have regular scheduled visits.
What Sponsorship is required?The funds will be used for the operational costs for the visits and provide the health workers safety. This includes supporting educational campaigns to inform the public about any prevalent diseases and how it spreads.
Our target is to gather enough funds for the mobile clinics to be out in the community for the total month for the next six months. The cost of each trip is as follows...
The Tamale Teaching Hospital’s Mobile Clinic Outreach programme is under senior management.
The team will publish details of scheduled visits and reports about the outcomes and how the funds have been used. These reports will be emailed to donors and subscribers.
What is the potential long-term impact of this project?We believe that the Tamale Mobile Clinic outreach programme is one of the effective means of managing health care in the communities. Using resources that are deeply-rooted in local communities are often the best means to provide long-term support for health care of all types, be they outbreaks, screening, communication programmes etc...
Tamale Teaching Hospital: is a medical referral centre for the Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions, the northern parts of the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana and the neighboring countries of Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Togo. It is located in a catchment area which has a population of approximately 2.1 million...
The outreach team is made of surgeons, specialists and general medical doctors, nurses of various specialties, pharmacists, radiographers, laboratory technologists, medical record officers, drivers and more.
Mahiri-Telehealth RemoteCare™ Working with the remote diagnostics solutions, the nurses and doctors on the outreach programme are linked to specialists based at the teaching hospital...