The Mahiri-Telehealth website is committed to the highest editorial and ethical standards in the provision of all its content and related services.


The Mahiri-Telehealth website is committed to providing objective and trustworthy information and guidance on all aspects of health and healthcare it is engaged with.


The overall Mahiri-Telehealth website content policy covers all content, both data-driven directories, comparative data and editorial. The latter includes written articles, video and audio resources, interactive tools, infographics and images.


In all instances, we strive to ensure that data is accurate and clearly presented. Where we source third party data, we strive to ensure editorial content is evidence-based and founded on the best scientific knowledge currently available within region and globally.


The following sections set out our editorial principles, standards and processes.





Content on the Mahiri-Telehealth website will be accurate, balanced and transparent. Information provided by third parties to be extended to the public will be based on the best available scientific evidence and data sources.  Where content contains conjecture or opinion, this will be clearly indicated.


Impartiality and diversity of opinion

The Mahiri-Telehealth website provides areas for end-user and partner opinions, we always seek to remain objective, impartial and even-handed.  However, in some sections of the website such as community forums and blogs, where views are presented by third parties, opinions may differ or scientific consensus cannot be found, Mahiri-Telehealth bares no responsibility for the strands of opinion expressed. 



The Mahiri-Telehealth website is accountable to its users and will deal fairly with them.  It will be open in admitting mistakes and encourages a culture of learning via user feedback.  


Serving the public

The Mahiri-Telehealth website will put its users' interests first when sourcing and developing content.  It aims to source content from a broad range of relevant professional bodies, client’s and partner organisations (healthcare institutions), charities and other interest groups (locally and internationally).   Serving the ordinary citizen will remain paramount.


Taste and decency

All content on the Mahiri-Telehealth website will be suitable for a general audience and will not include material that might reasonably be deemed offensive.  Where content includes explicit sexual information, it will be clearly flagged.



The Mahiri-Telehealth website views its users' privacy as paramount and, barring legal order, will not divulge any correspondence or personal information it may hold about them without their prior and explicit permission.


Community & Donor Projects & Programmes

The Mahiri-Telehealth website does not carry advertising for third party organisations and does not accept corporate sponsorship other than marketing joint initiatives.




Individual staff interests and independence

Mahiri-Telehealth has a clear mandate to produce accurate, balanced and transparent information.


No member of staff will be asked, or is permitted, to provide favoured treatment to any partner organisation, and all staff must fully disclose any financial or other interests they may have in any healthcare-related companies or organisations. Such interests must be reported to the company at the time of employment or at the point the interests arise thereafter.


The employing manager will report any potential conflict of interest to the Digital Services Team, which will determine the appropriate action to take.  Where content is produced by outside organisations or individuals commissioned by the organisation, Mahiri-Telehealth requires that such agents make a similar disclosure of outside interests at the outset.



All editorial staff are given professional development training to ensure editorial standards are met.


Quality assurance

Processes are in place via our content management system for managing editorial quality standards.  This includes an approval process for publishing.


Mahiri-Telehealth welcomes feedback with regards to the site's editorials.  Each page on the website has a contact form that can be used for such purposes.


Editorial Process


Third Party Content

Mahiri-Telehealth has engaged in several partnerships with healthcare data-provision and research content providers.  Such providers act as content sources e.g. for RSS feeds and healthcare blogs and are also required to meet the standards set for Mahiri-Telehealth’s website.



For sections of the website such as Research, Mahiri-Telehealth may draw on evidence-based knowledge derived from peer-reviewed scientific research and from the direct experience of contributing practitioners, other health professionals, clients and the wider public.


In pulling together this knowledge to provide users with a rounded and balanced package of material on topics, Mahiri-Telehealth encourages contributors to consult peer-reviewed scientific research and journals and other certified international accredited and classified research evidence with respect to its quality.  Mahiri-Telehealth endeavours to create an environment of quality information on healthcare provision that can be trusted by users.


Where knowledge of direct experience is required, they must consult:

  • practising doctors and other clinicians with direct and current experience in dealing with or treating the health issue under investigation
  • national charities with a recognised expertise and specialist interest
  • patients and ordinary members of the wider public who may be directly affected by a topic or issue
  • patient organisations
  • Charity websites, based on qualitative research into patient experiences, led by experts from recognised academic institutions.



Once a piece of content has been researched and drafted, it is edited by a senior member of the website editorial team.  It is checked for:

  • accuracy
  • balance
  • accessibility
  • tone


Final editorial checks

Final content is then checked for:

  • common factual errors
  • spelling
  • grammar
  • adherence to house style
  • overall presentation


It is acknowledged that from time to time editorial errors may occur on the website.  We endeavour to address these as a matter of urgency and encourage all users of the Mahiri-Telehealth website to draw such errors to our attention by using the contact forms made available on the website pages.


Review of content

Editorial content on the NHS website is reviewed systematically. All editorial content is reviewed at least every 2 years, with the exception of the blog pages. 


Feedback from users and stakeholders are considered as they arrive, and content is reviewed and amended immediately if necessary.


Publication dates are displayed on blog and news content.


New content in development

We develop various new content products, particularly under our research services that are tested with the public before they go live. We signpost to users that these are prototypes and not final products. Not all the provisions of this policy apply to content in development. 


Feedback and complaints

Mahiri-Telehealth welcomes feedback on all its content.  You can provide feedback on our contact forms on the website.  Our team will forward the feedback to the appropriate editorial team.  Alternatively, you can contact us at:


Complaints process

In the event that a complaint is made about a piece of content that cannot be resolved by the editorial team, the matter will be escalated to the site's Content Manager.


Note: If you wish to make a complaint about our content or any operational issues, please email